Educator Effectiveness System

Our newest resource, the result of a collaboration between PSLA and the University of Pittsburgh:

The School Librarian's Guide to Success in the PDE Educator Effectiveness System 


Teacher Framework: Examples for School Librarians

The framework itself is very similar to a classroom teacher's and includes the four domains on which you will be rated. 

  • Planning and Preparation- considered "Off Stage" which occur outside of direct instruction
  • Classroom Environment – considered “On Stage” which occur during lessons 
  • Instruction- considered “On Stage” which occur during lessons 
  • Professional Responsibilities- considered "Off Stage" which occur outside of direct instruction

The document on the SAS portal contains examples specific to school librarians which should be used by administrators to determine whether a teacher is failing, needs improvement, proficient, or distinguished. 

PSLA strongly encourages you to use this document as a start to good discussions with your administrator that promote you, your program, and the great things that are happening in libraries across Pennsylvania.  The more familiar you are with this framework and the more prepared you are for your pre and post conferences, the more positive the interaction with your administrators will be. Additional resources are:

Guiding Questions for the Teacher Framework: Examples for School Librarians

This document on the SAS portal contains a list of questions broken down into the components of the Danielson Framework that may be used by your administrators to help guide them during your evaluation.  It is meant to be shared with them so that they have a starting point for questions that may be directed to you during the evaluation process.