Books We Love: Lit Review Sneak Peek

Join members of the PSLA Lit Review Committee on Thursday, February 6, 2025 from 7PM-8PM for a sneak peek of the Best K-12 Books of 2024!
This night is always a favorite for our members.  This session will NOT be recorded, so be sure to mark your calendars.  You will not want to miss it.  There will also be book giveaways--an extra incentive to join in.

A Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the February 6 event. Please check your email that you used to register as well as your SPAM folder for the link.

We look forward to sharing our book selections with you!


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JOIN US for CSI: Connections, Solutions, Initiatives

CSI: Connections, Solutions, Initiatives

Join us for an exciting new opportunity. CSI is for you! Based on member feedback, we heard that you want to get together more to share ideas and learn from each other. We will offer events across the state.  You can choose to attend as many of the events as you'd like. 
This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, Governor.