PSLA Constitution & Bylaws

PSLA Constitution (PDF)

PSLA Bylaws (PDF)



Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Pennsylvania School Librarians Association, hereinafter referred to as the “Association.” The Association is incorporated in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s “The Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1972.”

Article II: Purposes

The Primary Purposes of the Association shall be:

  1. to provide educational opportunities and information for the improvement and development of its members and to provide information to the public on school library programs.
  2. to provide school librarians with educational activities and current information through publications, workshops, seminars, and conferences.
  3. to advance a high standard of librarianship and school library programs in the schools of Pennsylvania.
  4. to act as an interpreter of school library programs to all educators.
  5. to cooperate with state and national organizations to improve all aspects of education.
  6. to encourage administrators, teachers, and librarians to provide the best possible school library experiences for the children and young people in the schools of Pennsylvania.
  7. to support the inherent right of the individual to have access to ideas and to information.

Article III: Membership

Section 1. Members

Any person, library, or other organization interested in library service and librarianship may become a member upon payment of the dues as voted upon by the membership.

Article IV: Organization and Government

Section 1. Board of Directors

    1. Authority
    2. There shall be a Board of Directors hereinafter referred to as the “Board” that shall have power and authority to manage the Association’s property and to regulate and govern its affairs. The Board shall determine policies of the Association and shall take such actions as it considers necessary to carry out the purposes of the Association.
    3. Members
    4. The Board shall consist of: the President, the President-Elect, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Immediate Past President, and four elected Directors. (Section 1.b amended, 10/15/2013)
    5. Residency
    6. All voting members of the Board shall be residents of Pennsylvania or employed in Pennsylvania. All voting members of the Board are active or honorary members of the Association. (Section 1.c amended, 10/15/2013)
    7. Chairperson
    8. The President shall serve as Chairperson of the Board.

Section 2. Election and Succession

The elected officers of the Association shall be the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. An election will be held for the offices of Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Once elected as the Vice President, the member will follow a succession of one-year terms as President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President. (Section 2 amended, 10/15/2013)

Section 3. Executive Committee

There shall be an Executive Committee of the Board, to consist of the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President, with all of the powers of the Board to act between meetings of the Board except where prohibited by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Section 3 amended, 10/15/2013)

Section 4. Advisory Council

    1. There shall be an Advisory Council to assist and to advise the Board in conducting the business of the Association and to act as liaison between their constituents and the Board.
    2. The Advisory Council may consist of the following members: the officers, the Directors, co-chairs of standing and special committees, the Executive Secretary, the appropriate representative(s) of the school library arm of the state government and the representatives of other appropriate school library related organizations. Other interested groups may be invited by the President to send representatives. (Section 4.b amended, 3/23/2016)

Section 5. Executive Secretary

An Executive Secretary may be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board for the duration of the President’s term of office.

Article V: Meetings

There shall be at least one general meeting of the membership each year for the purpose of conducting business. This meeting shall hereinafter be referred to as the “Annual Business Meeting.” Additional meetings may be held at the discretion of the President or the majority of the Board. All Association meetings shall be held on dates and at places approved by the Board. Notice shall be sent to all members at least thirty days in advance of the meeting. 

Article VI: Voting

Voting privileges shall be exercised by active members only.

Article VII: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Association shall be July 1 to June 30.

Article VIII: Amendments

Section 1. Proposals

Amendments to the Constitution may be initiated by:

    1. the Board
    2. a recommendation to the Board from the Operations Committee
    3. a written petition to the Board signed by 25 active members

(Section 1 b amended, 3/23/2016)

Section 2. Notice

Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be published with a board statement of purpose to the membership at least thirty days prior to the date of voting.

Section 3. Voting

The Constitution may be amended by either of the following methods:

    1. a 2/3 majority of those active members present and voting at any regular meeting of the Association.
    2. a 2/3 majority vote of the active members voting on an electronic ballot.

Article IX: Assets of Dissolution

In the event of dissolution, the assets of the Association, after payment of debts and obligations, shall be given to a nonprofit educational organization(s) with federal tax exemption. The donee(s) shall be voted by the Board.



Article 1: Board of Directors

Section 1. Authority

As specified in the Constitution, Article IV, Section 1.a.

Section 2. Members

As specified in the Constitution, Article IV, Section 1.b and 1.c.

Section 3. Term of Office

    1. All members of the Board shall serve until their successors are elected.
    2. Elected Directors who are not officers shall serve a term of two years beginning on July 1 following the election and ending June 30th at the end of the second year. Incumbents may succeed themselves once.
    3. Two directors shall begin their terms July 1 of even years and two directors shall begin their terms July 1 of odd years. The officers of the Association shall serve as Directors during their term of office. (Section 3c amended, 10/15/2013)

Section 4. Vacancies

In the event that a vacancy occurs among the elected Directors who are not officers, a replacement shall be elected by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board to serve until a new member is elected by the membership of the Association at the next Annual Business Meeting.

Section 5. Meetings

The Board shall hold at least one regular meeting each six months on such a date and at such place as shall be fixed by the Board. Special meetings may be held upon call of the President or upon written request of any three members of the Board.

Section 6. Quorum

A quorum of the Board shall consist of five members.

Section 7. Voting

Each member of the Board shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted for a vote.

Section 8. Emergency Business

The President may utilize technological communication devices to urgent business. Each Board member shall then submit a vote in writing to the President.
(Section 8.a amended 4/30/2011)

Article II: Officers

Section 1. Officers

As specified in the Constitution, Article IV. Section 2.

Section 2. Duties

a. The President shall:

      1. carry out all provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws.
      2. preside at all meetings of the Association, Board, Executive Committee, and Advisory Council.
      3. appoint co-chairs for all standing and special committees with the approval of the Board.
      4. appoint members to committees in cooperation with co-chairs
      5. assist in planning and/or directing Association meetings and all aspects of activities.
      6. call special meetings of the Association
      7. call meetings of the Board, Executive Committee, and Advisory Council
      8. provide leadership for the growth and development of the profession of school librarians in Pennsylvania and in the United States.
      9. establish and maintain communications and cooperation with other state and national professional organizations.
      10. be ex-officio member of all standing and special committees.
      11. maintain a file of all minutes and reports of all standing and special committees for the current term of office and the two previous terms.

b. The President-Elect shall:

      1. perform the duties of the President in the absence of that officer.
      2. perform such duties as the President may assign.
      3. advise and counsel the President. (Section 2b amended, 10/15/2013)
      4. serve as co-chair of the Advocacy Committee. (Section 2.b amended, 10/15/2013; 4/1/2023)

c. The Vice President shall:

      1. perform such duties as the President may assign.
      2. be co-chair of the Conference Committee.
      3. advise and counsel the President (Section 2c amended, 3/23/2016)

d. The Secretary shall:

      1. be an ex-officio member of the Operations Committee in order to oversee the maintenance of the official list of members.
      2. record and maintain a permanent file of the official minutes and/or proceedings of all Association, Board, Executive Committee, and Advisory Council meetings, submitting a copy to the co-chairs of the Operations Committee.
      3. report by publication or reading the minutes of the previous meeting.
      4. dispose of records no longer valuable with the approval of the board and the Operations Committee.
      5. maintain correspondence.
      6. maintain official copies of policies and procedures of the Association.
      7. keep the official copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and the amendments.
      8. notify members of the Association of all meetings.
      9. notify the members of the Board, Executive Committee, and Advisory Council of all meetings.
      10. send all policy changes to the co-chairs of the Operations Committee. (Section 2.c amended, 3/23/2016, 4/1/2023)

e. The Treasurer shall:

      1. oversee the collection of dues by the Operations Committee.
      2. with the President prepare a budget which will be submitted to the Board.
      3. pay all bills within the authorized budget.
      4. secure the authorization of the Board to pay bills not provided for in the budget.
      5. submit financial reports to the Board and the Association.
      6. submit a financial report covering the fiscal year.
      7. submit financial records for audit to the Executive Committee and Operations Committee at the close of the fiscal year or on order of the Board.
      8. be responsible for the preparation of financial reports required by the Internal Revenue Service.
      9. be responsible for managing, overseeing, and integrating the financial records of the Conference Committee and of the Association.
      10. be an ex-officio member of the Operations Committee. (Section 2.e amended, 3/23/2016, 4/1/2023)

f. The Immediate Past President shall:

      1. serve as parliamentarian at all Association, Board, Executive Committee, and Advisory Council meetings.
      2. advise and counsel the President.
      3. be ex-officio member of the Operations Committee.
      4. perform such duties as the President may assign.
      5. serve as liaison with other bodies as assigned by the President.(Section 2.f amended, 3/23/2016)

Section 3. Term of Office

    1. President, President-Elect, Vice President and Immediate Past President shall serve one-year terms.
    2. Secretary and Treasurer shall serve for two-year terms. Incumbents may succeed themselves twice.(Section 3 amended, 10/15/2013; 2/15/2017)

Section 4. Vacancies

    1. If the office of President becomes vacant, the President-Elect shall succeed for the remainder of the unexpired presidential term and complete his/her own one-year term of office as President.
    2. If the office of President-Elect becomes vacant, the Vice President shall succeed for the remainder of the unexpired presidential-elect term and complete his/her own one-year term as President-Elect. The Immediate Past President will assume the duties of the Vice President for remainder of the unexpired term.
    3. If the office of the Vice President becomes vacant, the President shall appoint a PSLA member with the approval of the Board for the remainder of the unexpired term. At the annual election, a candidate will be elected for the President-Elect. (Section 4c amended, 4/16/2020)
    4. If the office of the Immediate Past President becomes vacant, the President shall appoint a previous Past President with the approval of the Board for the remainder of the unexpired term.
    5. Vacancies in the offices of the Secretary or Treasurer shall be filled by appointment of the President with approval of the Board. (Section 4 amended, 3/23/2016)

Article III: Advisory Council

Section 1. Term of Office

Representatives of the Association shall serve for the duration of their term. Others, outside of the Association, shall be invited through and by their respective organizations to serve as liaisons for a term that is in accordance with their respective organizations’ regulations and not in conflict with the provisions of the instrument.

Section 2. Meetings

The Advisory Council shall meet at least once each year.

Section 3. Quorum
The quorum shall be a majority of the Advisory Council present for the meeting.

Article IV: Executive Secretary

Section 1. Authority
As specified in the Constitution, Article IV. Section 5.

Section 2. Duties. The Executive Secretary shall:

    1. perform duties designated by the Board.
    2. administer the policies of the Association under the direction of the President.
    3. keep the President and the Board informed of all important matters.
    4. be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees.
    5. serve as a non-voting member on the Board, Executive Committee, Advisory Council, and standing committees. (Section 2e amended, 10/15/2013)

Article V: Membership

Section 1. Classification of membership as defined by policy

    1. ACTIVE

Section 2. Dues

The dues classification and/or structure shall be determined by the Board.

Section 3. Membership Year

The membership year shall be determined by the Board.

Article VI: Committees

Section 1. Committee Structure

    1. Types of committees
      1. Standing
      2. Special
    2. Committee members shall be members of the association.
    3. Each committee shall have co-chairs and a board liaison.
    4. Voting privileges on business before a committee shall be exercised by all duly appointed members of the committee regardless of membership classification.

Section 2. Committee Leadership

    1. The Committee co-chairs shall:
      1. The Committee co-chairs shall: be appointed by the President, with board approval, for a period of one year, with the exception of the Conference Committee. The Conference Committee co-chairs shall be the Vice President and the Executive Director of the Conference.
      2. be active members of the Association.
      3. appoint, with the President, members of the committee.
      4. call all committee meetings and notify the Board Liaison and committee members at least seven days in advance of the meeting.
      5. be voting members of the Advisory Council.
      6. be responsible for submitting a written annual report to the Association and filing a quarterly report with the President.

Section 3: Standing Committees

    1. The Advocacy Committee shall:
      1. carry our the local and state advocacy efforts on the behalf of the Association.
      2. support the general membership in their individual advocacy efforts.
    2. The Awards Committee shall:
      1. establish and carry out policies and procedures for awards, contests, and forms of recognition that the Association will grant.
    3. The Communications Committee shall:
      1. establish and carry out policies and procedures for communication within the Association and to other stakeholder groups.
    4. The Conference Committee shall:
      1. plan, manage, and evaluate the Association conference(s) according to the policies and procedures of the Association.
    5. The Operations Committee shall:
      1. establish and carry out policies and procedures of governance, leadership development, and membership of the Association.
    6. The Teaching and Learning Committee shall:
      1. provide and communicate professional development and social opportunities for the Association
      2. promote current and national state library standards and guidelines (Section 3 amended 4/1/2023)

Section 4. Special Committees.

    1. The President shall establish special committees with the approval of the Board.
    2. The powers and duties of each special committee shall be determined at the time of establishment by the President with the approval of the Board.
    3. The length of time a special committee will function shall be determined by the President and Board.(Article VI amended, 3/23/2016)

Article VII: Regions

Regional areas within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be designated by the Board.

Article VIII: Meetings

Section 1. Quorum

The assembled members of a regularly scheduled meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2.

Special meetings may be called by the President or the majority of the Board. At least thirty days notice of a special meeting shall be given to the membership. Business not included in the notice shall not be transacted.

Article IX: Nominations and Elections

Section 1. 

    1. The Operations Committee shall conduct the election and certify the eligibility of all nominees appearing on the ballot.
    2. The ballot submitted by the Operations Committee shall include the name of at least one candidate for each Board position.
    3. When a candidate does not appear on the ballot or when a vacancy occurs prior to them starting on July 1, the president shall appoint a PSLA member with the approval of the Board to serve for one year until a new member is elected by the membership of the Association at the next Annual Business Meeting.
    4. The proposed ballot of the Operations Committee is subject to Board approval and must be announced to the membership by January 10. A write-in candidate may be nominated by petition. The petition must be signed by twenty or more active members of the Association and submitted to the PSLA President by February 20 prior to the election. The names of the candidates so nominated shall appear on the official ballot along with those approved by the Board. (Section 1 amended, 3/23/2016; 4/1/2023)


Section 2. Active and honorary members of the Association shall be eligible for Board positions.

Section 3. Balloting shall be conducted not less than thirty days prior to the Annual Business Meeting. The results shall be announced at the Annual Business Meeting.
(Section 3 amended, 4/30/2011)

Section 4. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes shall be elected to each office. The two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for Directors shall be elected.In the event of a tie vote, election shall be by a majority vote of the active members present and voting at the Annual Business Meeting. (Section 4 amended, 10/15/2013) 

Section 5. In the event that a nominee presented by the Operations Committee withdraws prior to the election, the Operations Committee shall recommend and certify the eligibility of another person to the Board. The Board shall then act upon the recommendation.

Article X: Parliamentary Standard

In parliamentary procedure, Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be the authority except in matters specifically provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws.

Article XI: Amendments

Section 1.   Proposals

Amendments to the Bylaws may be initiated by:

    1. the Board
    2. the Operations Committee.
    3. a written suggestion to the Board or the Operations Committee by any member.
    4. a written petition to the Board signed by 25 members who are qualified to vote.

Section 2.   Notice

Proposed amendments to the Bylaws shall be published with board statement of purpose to the membership at least thirty days prior to the date of voting. (Section 2 amended, 4/16/2020)

Section 3.   Voting

The Bylaws may be amended by either of the following methods: 

    1. a 2/3 majority of those active members present and voting at any regular meeting of the Association.
    2. a 2/3 majority vote of the active members voting on an electronic ballot. (Section 3 amended, 4/16/2020)

Section 4. The Board shall retain the rights of refusal to present an amendment to the membership for voting if a unanimous vote of the board present by quorum deems it unwarranted.